Healthwise® Solution for ZeOmega

Empower care managers and activate members

Give care teams instant access to relevant health education and a dynamic way to deliver information to members and track engagement—all within their Jiva workflow.

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Health Education Without the Headaches

One Source of Truth

Tap into a single, trusted source of health education to reinforce coaching conversations or for proactive outreach to members via e-fulfillment or print. Whether you’re looking for easy-to-understand articles, engaging videos, or user-tested decision aids, we’ve got every care moment covered.

Education at Your Fingertips

Let’s face it: time is money. That’s why we put health education in your care managers’ hands with one desktop for all their needs—from care planning and triage to shared decision making. And it’s all seamlessly integrated in the Jiva workflow.

Deliver Results—Faster

Deliver results faster with a robust platform that provides a consistent framework and streamlined processes designed to meet your quality standards. Align your care managers to work smarter with curated content sets and programs and wellness reminders you can build for efficient, automated delivery.

Read Wellness Company Story →
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Content That Moves People

Real Behavior Change

Behavior change expertise is embedded in our content powerhouse, and our implementation consultants can help you forge deeper member connections in a consistent, scalable way. From validated health behavior change techniques that pinpoint a member’s behavior change stage, to delivering the right content for their needs, we offer tools to make tailored interventions an easy process.

Reach Your Members Anytime, Anywhere

It’s simpler for people to participate in their health care when they have health information on hand. Our secure, online message center lets people get the personalized education they need when they need it—anytime, anywhere, on any device.

Education That Engages

Delivering health content that people value and connect with—and that drives business results—has never been easier. Help members gain confidence and adopt healthier behaviors with straightforward, relevant, and action-oriented health education.

Read the Behavior Change eBrief →
Healthwise Coach Admin

Drive Member Engagement With Actionable Data

Personalize With Progress Reports

To understand what your members want, look at their behavior. Your care managers get a view into each person’s progress so they can personalize the next conversation, reduce wasted effort, and strengthen member relationships with relevant content.

Optimize Care Plans

Determine the next step in the care plan by knowing people’s activity, preferences, and values. Members’ responses are reported within Jiva so you can customize care plans for greater success.

Uncover Insights

Surface trends with population-wide reports and dashboards to demonstrate value to leadership and customers and make data-driven improvements to your programs.

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Healthwise Coach Admin