
Reflections on HIMSS22: The Importance of Reconnecting

Dave Mink, Chief Client Officer, Healthwise Market Solutions

As I travel back to Boise after being in Orlando for the HIMSS (Health Information and Management Systems Society) annual meeting this week, I'm chuckling to myself. This week is the longest I've been away from my family in the past two years! It's also the most significant time I've spent with a larger portion of my Healthwise team members since we started working remotely in March 2020. It was both surreal and special, given how much time we’ve spent in a pandemic bubble. The theme of HIMSS this year was “Reimagine Health.” For many of us, we had to reimagine what meaningful interactions at a conference would be like after a long period of isolation.


At HIMSS, the real game changer was the chance to reconnect with people in person—something that's been challenging for a long time. We’ve mastered the art and science of web meetings, but they can't replace in-person conversations. We can best spark those vital conversations when we're in person. I think most of my fellow HIMSS attendees would agree with me, based on the significant in-person interactions I participated in and watched.

At Healthwise, we're focused on helping people make better health decisions. It was exciting to collaborate with our clients and partners this week, exploring how we can continue to engage patients and consumers in their health care journey. Finding ways to personalize the patient experience continues to be at the forefront of everyone's mind. We also recognize that we need to make sure the tools we're developing are easy for the clinicians and care teams to access and use. Our goal is to make their jobs easier, not harder. We were excited to demonstrate our new Healthwise® Advise FHIR-enabled solution for Epic, which is helping us make significant progress toward meeting that goal. Addressing clinician burnout—and finding ways to save clinicians time—has never been more crucial than now.

Another common thread in our conversations was how to improve the way we measure our impact. We need to make sure the interactions clinicians have with patients—and the education clinicians share during those interactions—make a difference. A way to gauge our impact is understanding the needs of the diverse populations we serve and support. We have to personalize and tailor our deliveries. A one-size-fits-all strategy no longer works. This was echoed throughout the sessions at HIMSS and in our discussions with our clients and partners.

Given the distance we’ve had the last two years, I'm grateful to the attendees, clients, and partners who took time to see us at HIMSS this week. It was wonderful to hear how your organizations showed resilience and innovation in meeting the challenges of the pandemic. I look forward to finding more ways to reconnect with you.

See you next year in Chicago at HIMSS23!