Healthwise Communications Team
Have you ever stopped to think about just how much health content your organization uses? Between your website, mobile apps, social media, telehealth, classes, and patient education, your healthcare system is hungry for words, medical illustrations, and videos.
Some of this content, such as staff profiles and patient success stories, should be created by your team—after all, who better to tell the story of what makes your company unique? But a surprising amount of your material could be handled by what’s sometimes called “content as a service”—structured, modular pieces of content that give your organization something to wrap your message around.
Whether you’re new to the idea of using this modular approach or already have access to structured content, you might be surprised by just how much it can do. Here are six ways structured content can keep your organization front of mind with patients, securing your role as their trusted source of health information.
The possibilities with content as a service are endless. Your organization has opportunities every day to reach patients and the community with accurate, engaging, plain-language content that has already been created for you and is ready to plug in wherever you need it. Free your team to write your stories—and let structured content do the rest.
For more ideas on how you can use structured content in your own organization, download our free eBrief, The Healthcare Marketer’s Guide to Structured Content.