Melinda Dutton is a partner at Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP. With a consulting practice that sits at the intersection of health care, law, policy, strategy and business, Melinda focuses on supporting large-scale transformative change in complex environments. Bringing deep knowledge and experience in publicly financed health care—including Medicaid, CHIP, and Affordable Care Act marketplaces; coverage expansion, delivery system transformation; and payment reform—Melinda guides federal and state regulators, local governments, providers, payers, life sciences companies, and foundations in navigating the legal, regulatory, and market challenges of today’s dynamic health care landscape.
A frequent author and presenter on emerging trends and policies, she has been vocal on the importance of the social determinants of health (SDOH). Her cutting-edge work supporting the design and implementation of North Carolina’s “Healthy Opportunities Pilots,” created to help the state better understand and address SDOH, has been cited in “Managed Healthcare Executive.”